Finding a Tutor
Tutoring is intended to provide one-on-one academic support for classes, topic areas (math, statistics, coding, etc.), or Area Exams. Tutors are typically hourly-paid, so if you're looking for academic support beyond office hours that isn't paid, we'd recommend joining OMEGA's Discord and posting a message to set up a study group.
OMEGA and the College of Engineering (CoE) jointly maintain a list of graduate student tutors. Tutors are an independent contract, not employed by CoE or OMEGA. However, CoE and OMEGA do vet tutors prior to advertising them on the ME grad tutor list to ensure they demonstrate proficiency in the areas they are seeking to tutor.
If you're looking for a tutor, check out the link below to view the list of currently-registered grad student tutors (Purdue email login required). Once you find a tutor who matches the subject areas you're searching for, reach out directly to them to arrange tutoring.
Registering as a Tutor
Want to be added to the tutoring list above? Just fill out the link below! Tutoring is a great way to support other students academically and gain mentoring experience. Once you submit this form, CoE staff and/or OMEGA board members will review your submission, and if you meet work eligibility requirements and tutor qualifications, we will add you to the ME grad tutor list.
IMPORTANT: Due to visa and fellowship restrictions, many international students and students on fellowships are not eligible to serve as tutors. However, even if you are not eligible to be paid as a tutor, please consider joining OMEGA's social media and connecting with other students through Discord to form a study group. For questions about work eligility, please contact Purdue ISS and/or the Fellowship Office.
Other Tutoring Resources
If you're looking for academic support, here are some other resources OMEGA recommends:
The College of Engineering offers an excellent list of resources and useful links for grad students
Purdue's Academic Success Center maintains a list of academic support resources
Consider joining OMEGA's social media and Discord and arranging a study group!